Featured Poem From

Michael Chacko Daniels'

Split in Two

. . . But when my beloved comes for me with bells

Fireflies in her brown eyes . . .

Peace on Carlton, G. R. (Grand Rapids)

There are large black ants here

And the field mouse

That crawled its way in

Found swift death with a whiff of

Swiss Cheese,

Product of Norway.

We don’t have a cat, yet.

I detest cats, their selfishness.

But I like it here on Carlton.

Wilcox Park from our back door

Spreads in grand profusion

And G. R.’s trees enfold me again.

The German Shepherd from the clutter

Of the red house next door

Made a grab for my calf,

Ripped my precious brown corduroy.

I swung with a growl

And the big, baaad dog ran.

When the 30-miles-an-hour traffic

Slackens, the quietness surpasses

All city silences I’ve known,

Except the delicate slumber

Of the Bangalore YMCA

Heightened by rain on

Red-tiled roofs

And banyan-wide leaves,


And the hard ball being hit

By the flat bat of a

Graceful brown sahib.

But I love it here on Carlton.

Yes, the clock on the stained-brown table

Counts time aloud, a bicycle

Rattles on the sidewalk

And the thought strikes me:

Someday, must help India

Build houses, grow food . . .

But when my beloved comes for me with bells

Fireflies in her brown eyes

I go to her

Knowing why I’ve never known more peace

Than here on Carlton

From: Split in Two

(Revised Second Edition, 2004, Writers Workshop, Kolkata)
Copyright 2004 Michael Chacko Daniels

Available directly from:

Michael Chacko Daniels

Post Office Box 641724

San Francisco, CA 94109

United States of America

Each copy is beautifully handcrafted, a work of art in itself.

In a world of automated printing and copying, the art of creating books by hand is not fully appreciated. Each time I handle one of these books, I feel honored to have my work memorialized by the traditional craftspeople in Calcutta, India, who contributed their skills to these creations.

Even if my artistic skills as a poet and novelist does not strike a responsive chord in you, I am sure the look and feel of the books will.

It has cost me $25 a copy to complete all the phases of this work. Consider me to be a hopeless romantic at sea in this world of writing and publishing, but I am committed to bringing these fables about modern India, and the poems, to you in these beautiful, handcrafted editions.

Each copy that is requested at this price will be personally signed by me.

These handcrafted, signed copies of the limited, revised second edition will please any book collector and should have added value in the years ahead when hand-produced books, and the novels and poetry they showcase, are history.

Need I add that these lovingly produced books will make excellent presents?

Also available from Writers Workshop, Kolkata.

A Writers Workshop Redbird Book

Writers Workshop books are published by P. Lal from

162/92 Lake Gardens, Calcutta 700045, India.

Layout and lettering by P. Lal.

Printed by Abhijit Nath in a Lake Gardens Press.

Gold-embossed, hand-stitched, hand-pasted, and hand-bound by Tulamiah Mohiuddin with handloom sari cloth woven and designed in India, to provide visual beauty and what the publisher describes as “the intimate texture of book-feel.” The publisher, who glories in that “each WW publication is a hand-crafted artifact,” refuses to hide WW bindings “concealed behind ephemeral glossy jackets.”

ISBN 81-8157-280-7 (Hardback Limited Edition)

ISBN 81-8157-281-5 (Flexiback Limited Edition)

Visit Writers Workshop at www.writersworkshopkolkata.com




And the following

Popular History Pages


____________ * ____________


A Grand Rapids Popular History


Pages from New River Free Press, 1973 to 1977


Your Friendly Guide to Urban Survival & Improvement:




Signed, Limited Editions

An avid reader's comment about

Michael Chacko Daniels'

handcrafted books:

"The books are beautiful,

they look like little treasures."

--Brenda Coleman

Each copy is

a work of art in itself.

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 Michael Chacko Daniels' books.

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Anything Out of Place Is Dirt
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Split in Two
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